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What attributes or skills is BHP looking for in candidates?

BHP Team

Communication and relationship skills are key. In the world of BHP, you do not do anything by yourself so your ability to communicate and to build those relationships is really important.

Be curious and ask those questions. When you start as a graduate, we don't expect you to know everything so ask the questions. We have a lot of people in this organisation and nobody is ever too busy. They will stop and they will love to explain to you what they're doing. When I'm hiring someone and they don't spark my interest in terms of the way they come across and show that curiosity into what's actually going on, then they've got no chance. Curiosity is a really big piece of the puzzle and it's not just asking questions, it's genuine curiosity where you can see them going, "Okay, I understand what you mean," and they're digesting it. It's real curiosity and not just curiosity for the sake of it.

Be resilient as well. We love to change in this organisation so a level of resilience is really important. Things don't just get served up on a platter and if you want to perform really well, you've got to work hard and you've got to go for it. It's hugely rewarding, but you need resilience to go through that.

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